Would you like information about your order or to obtain information about our products, our quality charter or our cashmere sweaters?
Our teams are at your disposal to answer you and provide you with information on any questions you may have.
02 41 20 86 86
(de l'étranger : +33 241 20 86 86)
32 rue des Prévoyants de l'Avenir
49000 Angers
0118 - 618208
(uit het buitenland : 0031 118 - 618208)
Marion Behrend
Prinses Irenestraat 28
4332 XE Middelburg
0761 13731474
(ausserhalb Deutschlands : 0049 (0)761 13731474)
Michel Taglang
Heckerstraße 5
79114 Freiburg
01274 616117
(International callers : 00 44 1274 616117)
Audrey Harris
88 Town Lane
West Yorkshire
BD10 8PJ
320 5348110
(per chiamate dall'estero: +39 320 5348110)
Mahogany c/o Benedetta De Rose
Via Crossodromo 2
62021 APIRO (MC)